Powered by P3™ DLP technology designed for the most demanding standards, the Origin platform offers a holistic solution with a meticulous combination of reliable hardware, sophisticated software, and high-quality materials, all carefully managed into a validated workflow to ensure that every component meets stringent standards, essential for real-world applications.
Achieve Repeatability Without Recalibration
Origin Two delivers high accuracy and proven repeatability, without the need for recalibration of build heads between prints or even across different printers. The new build head and validated curing solution of Origin Cure™ lets you set up a print job once and simply repeat – today, tomorrow, or next month – with the same print results, anywhere in the world.
Benefit from the Tightest Tolerances
Tolerance defines the allowable variation in a part’s dimensions vs. the CAD model. Origin Two achieves the tightest tolerances in 3D printing, with an XY and Z tolerance of up to +/-50 µm for validated applications and
+/- 100 µm in general.