Prepare for an unparalleled experience at I/ITSEC 2023, where the Training, Simulation, and Modeling Industry converge to shape the future of military and domestic preparedness. Recognizing the pivotal role of continuous and institutionalized training, I/ITSEC is the nexus for organizations striving to meet the dynamic needs of tomorrow’s challenges. Attendees understand that success in modern businesses hinges on staying ahead, and I/ITSEC is the ultimate resource hub for that purpose.
This event boasts a gathering of the most innovative companies in the MS&T Industry, showcasing groundbreaking technologies ranging from Computer-Based 3D graphics to Flight Simulators, Convoy Trainers, SCORM, Information Technology, Advanced Distributed Learning, Aerospace, Communications, and even Public Safety solutions. The Prototyping Solution booth is a must-visit, offering insights into cutting-edge tools and strategies in the public safety sector. Join us at I/ITSEC 2023 to explore, adapt, and redefine the landscape of training and simulation.